Rights of the State

Tax law

Development of courses, presentations, supervision of research papers and leadership of research teams in the implementation of tax law projects. Integration of tax law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice, as well as developing recommendations for legislative improvement.


Jānis Lazdiņš
(janis.lazdins@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Constitutional institutions and their competence

Studies on the importance of constitutional institutions and their functions in a democratic state; various aspects of the activities of all seven constitutional institutions enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (i.e. parliament, the President, courts, Constitutional Court, the State Audit Office, the Cabinet of Ministers and the totality of citizens). Preparation of scientific commentaries on the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, incl. comments on several articles relating to these institutions. The study of these issues is also in the aspect of comparative constitutional law.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Constitutional principles

Research on various basic principles of constitutionalism, their system and development perspectives. In-depth studies regarding the principle of popular sovereignty, separation of powers, rule of law, legality, equality.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Independence of the judiciary

Research on various aspects related to the independence of the judiciary, with the primary emphasis on the institutional aspects of judicial independence. In-depth research closely related to aspects of independence such as the confirmation of judges, career progression, the principle of independence of judges and termination of office. 

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Fundamental human rights

Studies on various fundamental human rights – their historical genesis, content in modern Latvian constitutional law. Content of various fundamental rights, the insights of the case-law on them, legal framework for the restriction of human rights and the importance of the methodology for evaluation of restrictions in the case law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia. Studies on the rights of same-sex couples, including, LGBTQ rights.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Mechanisms of direct democracy

Studies of various institutions of direct democracy. An in-depth studies of national referendums and voter legislative initiatives.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Freedom of religion and the separation of Church and the State

In-depth research in the issues of separation of the State and the Church. Analysis the issues of operation and registration of a religious organization, regulatory norms and registration of religious organizations, as well as the individual's right to practice worship and the right of the State to restrict religious freedom.

Ringolds Balodis

The Constitution

In-depth research on the adoption, amendment and interpretation of the Constitution, both in the field of comparative constitutional law and national law. Scientific assessment on the issues of the Parliament, the State language, the President, the State Audit Office, voting and fundamental rights. Studies on various issues related to constitutional law.

Ringolds Balodis

Parliamentary control  

Studies regarding parliamentary control, which is related to parliamentary investigations, requests from members of the Parliament and questions to members of the government. Analysis of the procedures of the Parliament in connection with the Parliament's Rules of Procedure and the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. The study of these issues is also in the aspect of comparative constitutional law.

Ringolds Balodis

Specific principles related to Latvian constitutionalism

Studies on various fundamental principles of constitutionalism, their system, expression and development perspectives. In-depth research on the content of the principles of national sovereignty, power sharing, and the principle of the nation-state.

Ringolds Balodis

Environmental protection in the context of human rights and state law

Research on issues related to the constitutional right of everyone to live in a benevolent environment - its understanding, and corresponding duties of the state. Within the scope of the topic, possibilities of implementing the principles of adaptive management in the environmental decision-making (including re-evaluation and revision of planed activities in response to new environmental information).

Silvija Meiere

Civil Law

Obligations of the employee and the employer

Studies on specific rights and obligations of the subjects of the employment relationship, including disciplinary liability in the employment relationship, institute of suspension from work, obligation not to disclose a trade secret, etc.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Restrictions on professional activity after the termination of the employment relationship

In-depth studies on prohibition of restriction of competition after the termination of employment legal relations – focusing on the issue of the time of conclusion of this agreement, the content of the restriction, the concept of fair compensation and liability issues in case of non-compliance with the agreement.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Discrimination in employment relations

Research regarding various cases of discrimination in employment relationships, such as discrimination on grounds of sex, disability, age. These issues are addressed within the scope of both Latvian and EU law.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Termination of employment relationships

In-depth studies on various cases of termination of employment, including termination of the employment contract (both by the employee and the employer), the possibilities of termination of the employment relationship in the court, collective dismissal, as well as the role of trade unions during the termination of the employment relationship.

Annija Kārkliņa
(Annija.Karklina@lu.lv; +371 67034721; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Contract law

Research on issues related to contracts, their conclusion, execution, termination or invalidity (or validity), as well as various types of contracts, such as contracts of sale, loan, lease, etc.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Non - contractual infringments (tort law)

Studies on issues relating to non-contractual offenses and related liability.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Insurance law

Study of issues related to the insurance contract, including the payment of insurance indemnities and certain types of insurance, such as property insurance, liability insurance (including OCTA) and personal insurance.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Consumer protection law

Research related to consumer protection and certain forms (types) of consumer protection, such as unfair contract terms, specific contracts, contract compliance.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Intellectual property law

Studies related to intellectual property rights, their individual objects, such as trademarks, industrial designs and patents (inventions), and contracts, such as a transfer (disposition) agreement and a license agreement.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Commercial law

Studies relating to commercial law, including merchants, companies and commercial transactions.

Vadims Mantrovs
(vadims.mantrovs@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal Law

Proceeds of crime

Research on issues related to criminally obtained property - its understanding, the procedural procedure for recognition, handling of it. Within the scope of the topic, studies related to seizure of property, balancing the rights and obligations of the involved persons, etc. topical aspects characteristic of modern criminal proceedings.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Simplified forms of criminal proceedings

Studies of the necessity and possible ways of simplifying the criminal process. Calling not to lower the quality under the guise of simplification, in-depth studies related to the forms of out-of-court determination of a person's guilt, as well as the refusal to fully examine the evidence in court.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Evidence in criminal proceedings

Evidence and topical issues related to it, scientific study of understanding the concepts included in the theory of proof, and the academic study of practically relevant issues. Determination of provable circumstances, the burden of proof and the nuances of using illegally obtained evidence.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal liability of legal entities

Issues of criminal liability of legal entities, the study of substantive and procedural legal issues of this topic.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal procedural protection of the victim

In-depth research on the criminal procedural protection of victims of criminal offenses. Attention is paid to the issues of who is entitled to protection, when and what protection, as well as what the role of the victim is/should be in the criminal process, how to balance legal interests of the victim and the suspect or the accused.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Basic principles of criminal procedure

Research of the basic principles of the criminal process. Special attention to such basic principles of the criminal process as the presumption of innocence, the principle of legality of the criminal process, the right to defense and the right to have the case examined in court.

Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga
(Strada@lu.lv; +371 29208042; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Coercive means in criminal proceedings

Studies on procedural coercive measures, including detention, security measures, procedural sanctions, its legal nature, application prerequisites and requirements for the application process. Coercive measures related to deprivation of liberty - arrest and detention, their admissibility in the context of the right to freedom, procedural guarantees in the case of the application, etc.

Ārija Meikališa
(Arija.Meikalisa@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Participants in the criminal process

Studies about the participants in the criminal process, their understanding, status elements and current problematic issues, especially in relation to persons who have the right to defense and officials who are authorized to conduct criminal proceedings.

Ārija Meikališa
(Arija.Meikalisa@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Basic principles of criminal procedure

In-depth studies on the basic principles of criminal proceedings, their system, expression and development perspectives. The right to complete the criminal process within a reasonable time, the principle of objectivity of the criminal process, the principle of legality and  principle of state prosecution un criminal procedure.

Ārija Meikališa
(Arija.Meikalisa@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)


Investigative activities in criminal proceedings

In-depth studies on investigative activities, their system, realisation and development perspectives. Analysis of the legal framework of investigative activities and its development perspectives, and the impact of violations that occurred during investigative activities on the use of the illegaly obtained information in the course of ciminal procedure.

Ārija Meikališa
(Arija.Meikalisa@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Hate speech and hate crimes

Studies on the incitement and understanding of hate, hate speech and hate crime; the difference between hate speech and permissible forms of expression of freedom of speech; hate speech and hate crimes – international standards and Latvian criminal law regulation; application of Latvian criminal law regulation in practice.

Valentija Liholaja
(Valentija.Liholaja@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Human rights in the context of law enforcement and criminal justice

Studies and research team management in the implementation of international and national research projects related to international, European and Latvian human rights law, in particular in the context of law enforcement and criminal justice

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal procedure, digital transformation of criminal justice and policing

Research on criminal procedure law and the principles of criminal procedure, e.g. the right to a fair trial, the presumption of innocence, right of defence, justice for victims of crime. Research on digital transformation of criminal justice and policing.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Money laundering

Research on the understanding of money laundering in criminal law, the historical development of the regulatory framework, the effectiveness of the application of legal norms, the balancing of the criminal legal framework with the fundamental rights.

Jānis Rozenbergs
(Janis.Rozenbergs@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Confiscation of criminally acquired property

Research on the understanding of criminally acquired property in criminal law and criminal procedure law, seizure of property, procedural aspects of confiscation of property, compliance of the legal framework with the fundamental rights.

Jānis Rozenbergs
(Janis.Rozenbergs@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal liability of legal entities

In-depth research on models of criminal liability of legal entities, Latvian legal framework and its historical development in the field of substantive criminal law and criminal procedure law.

Jānis Rozenbergs
(Janis.Rozenbergs@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal proceedings, property issues in criminal proceedings

Property issues in criminal proceedings, covering 4 directions - (1) compensation for damage to the victim, (2) actions with property obtained by crime, (3) seizure of property, (4) procedural costs. The primary direction of research is actions with criminally obtained property - finding it, imposing an arrest, recognizing the property as criminally obtained (proven and presumed property), simple and extended confiscation, restitution of the victim's rights, protection of the rights of third parties, non-convicted-based confiscation.

Gunārs Kūtris
(Gunars.Kutris@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Causal Relationship in Criminal Law

Research on the importance of the doctrinal explanation of causal relationship in practice, paying attention to understanding of the definition, characteristic features and types of causation in criminal law.

Evija Vīnkalna
(Evija.Vinkalna@lu.lv; +371 67034730; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal procedure law

Studies related to criminal proceedings, including those related to the basic principles of criminal proceedings, significant issues of criminal proceedings, participants in criminal proceedings and the scope of their rights, obligations, pre-trial criminal proceedings and criminal proceedings in court.

Ērika Gribonika
(erika.gribonika@lu.lv; +371 28489865; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Criminal law

Research of a criminal law nature, including in terms of qualifying certain offenses, special confiscation of property, means of coercion applied to legal entities, exemption from liability and determining the measure of punishment, recovery and punishment.

Ērika Gribonika
(erika.gribonika@lu.lv; +371 28489865; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Forensic Science and Operational Theory

International cooperation and crime  investigation 

Studies related to international cooperation in the fight against crime, the legal framework, cooperation mechanisms.

Ērika Krutova
(erika.krutova@lu.lv; +371 29126630; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International Law

International human rights law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to international human rights law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the international human rights law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European region international human rights law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to European region international human rights law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the European region international human rights law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both  - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU human rights law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU human rights law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU human rights law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU institution law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU institutional law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU institutional law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU gender equality and non-discrimination law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU gender equality and non-discrimination law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU gender equality and non-discrimination law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU free movement of workers’ rights

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU free movement of workers’ law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU free movement of workers’ law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU social security coordination law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU social security coordination law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU social security coordination law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU labour law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU labour law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the EU labour law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Kristīne Dupate
(kristine.dupate@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Private international law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of international private law projects. Integration of private international law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Inga Kačevska
(inga.kacevska@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European civil procedure law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of European civil procedure law projects. Integration of knowledge and skills of European civil procedure law into the development of other sub-disciplines of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice.

Inga Kačevska
(inga.kacevska@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International trade law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of international trade law projects. Integration of International trade law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Inga Kačevska
(inga.kacevska@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International arbitration

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of international arbitration law projects. Integration of International arbitration law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Inga Kačevska
(inga.kacevska@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Private international law 

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers in the implementation of private international law projects, by developing practical materials, for example such as handbooks and recommendations for legislative improvement.

Irēna Kucina
(irena.kucina@lu.lv; +371 29115696; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International civilprocedure 

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers in the implementation of international civilprocedure projects, by developing practical materials, for example such as handbooks and recommendations for legislative improvement.

Irēna Kucina
(irena.kucina@lu.lv; +371 29115696; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European Union law 

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers in the implementation of European Union law projects, by developing practical materials, for example such as handbooks and recommendations for legislative improvement.

Irēna Kucina
(irena.kucina@lu.lv; +371 29115696; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Public international law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of international public law projects. Integration of public international law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Media law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to media law projects. Integratation of knowledge and skills related to the media law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International human rights law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to international human rights law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the international human rights law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

EU Fundamental Rights Charter

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Integration of knowledge and skills for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European region international human rights law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to European region international human rights law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the European region international human rights law for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both  - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Hate speech

Presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to hate speech. projects. Integration of knowledge and skills for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)


Presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of projects related to defamation. Integration of knowledge and skills for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its application in practice. 

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Minority rights

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers in the implementation of minority rights projects, by developing practical materials, for example such as handbooks and recommendations for legislative improvement.

Artūrs Kučs
(arturs.kucs@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Implementation of the European Union law

Research on issues related to the implementation of European Union law at the national level – the specifics of directives, the minimum and maximum degree of harmonization of directives, control over the correct implementation of directives, the role of national courts in the implementation of EU law, the preliminary rulings procedure. Within the scope of the topic, broader aspects of EU law, such as problems of the EU legal system, interaction between EU and member state institutions, functioning of the EU internal market.

Arnis Buka
(arnis.buka@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

State responsibility in international law

Research on issues of the law of state responsibility - the applicability of the actions of individuals and companies to the state; circumstances precluding wrongfulness and invocation of state responsibility; application of state responsibility; prerequisites for the emergence of the right to claim and other issues of state responsibility. Integration of knowledge and skills related to the law of state responsibility for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its practical application.

Edmunds Broks
(edmunds.broks@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Application of international and European Union law in national courts

Research on the application of international law, European Union law in national courts, especially in Latvian courts. Studying the problems of supremacy and direct effect of EU law in the courts of Latvia and other countries. Integration of knowledge and skills related to application of international and EU law in national courts for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its practical application.

Edmunds Broks
(edmunds.broks@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Dispute resolution mechanisms in international environmental treaties

An in-depth study of dispute resolution mechanisms commonly found in international environmental treaties, such as the Espoo Convention on environmental impact assessment. Integration of knowledge and skills related to international environmental treaties and their dispute resolution mechanisms for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its practical application.

Edmunds Broks
(edmunds.broks@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Public international law 

Studies in the field of public international law. Integration of knowledge and skills related to international law and for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its practical application.

Edmunds Broks
(edmunds.broks@lu.lv;  +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European Union law

Study of the law of the European Union. Integration of knowledge and skills related to EU law and for the development and improvement of other sub-fields of law by implementing new knowledge and methods for both - scientific research and practice. Development of recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and its practical application.

Edmunds Broks
(edmunds.broks@lu.lv; +371 67034726; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International Law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of international law projects. Integration of international law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Māris Lejnieks
(maris.lejnieks@lu.lv; +371 29555027; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Maritimel Law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of maritime law projects. Integration of  maritime law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Māris Lejnieks
(maris.lejnieks@lu.lv; +371 29555027; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

International cooperation and crime  investigation 

Studies relating to international cooperation in the fight against crime; legal regulation, cooperation mechanisms.

Ērika Krutova
(erika.krutova@lu.lv; +371 29126630; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Media law

Study of issues related to media regulation.

Lolita Buka
(lolita.buka@lu.lv; +371 26373131; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Human rights

Studies relating to issues related to human rights, especially civil and political rights.

Lolita Buka
(lolita.buka@lu.lv; +371 26373131; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal regulation of online environment

Research on the legal regulation of the online environment, especially on issues of freedom of speech and the right to privacy.

Lolita Buka
(lolita.buka@lu.lv; +371 26373131; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

European Union law

Studies on issues related to the procedural and substantive law of the European Union.

Lolita Buka
(lolita.buka@lu.lv; +371 26373131; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Theory of Law and History

Judicial reforms

Supervision of the development of scientific papers and management of group of scholars on judicial reforms in the context of historically significant judicial reforms in Latvia. Integration of knowledge and skills related to judicial reforms into the development of other sub-disciplines of law and history, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice.

Jānis Lazdiņš
(janis.lazdins@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Denationalisation of property

Supervision of the development of scientific papers and management of group of scientists on property denationalisation issues based on Latvian experience. Integration of knowledge and skills related to property denationalisation into the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Jānis Lazdiņš
(janis.lazdins@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Freedom of man and nation

Supervision of the development of scientific papers and management of research group on the problems of human and nations freedom for countries that have managed to free themselves from colonial rule and occupation, drawing on the Latvian experience. Integration of knowledge and skills related to human and popular freedom into the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice.

Jānis Lazdiņš
(janis.lazdins@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

The concept of happiness

Supervision of the development of research papers and research team management in the implementation of philosophy of law projects including the concept of happiness based on sources available in Latvia. Integration of philosophy of law knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-disciplines of law, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for both scientific research and professional practice. Development of recommendations for legislative improvement.

Jānis Lazdiņš
(janis.lazdins@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Latvian notary law and the history of the notary system in the 19th and 20th centuries

Supervision of the development of scientific works and management of a group of scientists on the history of the Latvian notary system, studying it from the institutional, competence, personnel, or human history aspect: special attention is paid to the first women in the Latvian notary. The research focuses on the Latvian notary, as a Latin-type notary, notary ethics, institutions that have been assigned some of the notary's competences, such as the orphan's court. Integration of related knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-branches of legal science and historical science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activity.

Sanita Osipova
(sanita.osipova@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Latvian language as a constitutional value and the basis of national identity

Supervision of the development of scientific works and management of scientific groups on the genesis and evolution of the Latvian legal language as the state language, to consider the Latvian language as a constitutional value, analyzing its protection at the level of the Constitution and laws, and to study the importance of the Latvian language in the discourse of the constitutional identity of Latvia. Integration of related knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-branches of legal science and historical science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activity.

Sanita Osipova
(sanita.osipova@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Human dignity as a constitutional value and fundamental right

Supervision of the development of scientific works and management of a group of scientists on human dignity as a constitutional value and fundamental right, analyzing it from the aspects of equality and self-determination of persons. In-depth studies on human dignity from the aspect of gender equality, evaluating the aspects of social exclusion in marginalized/ stigmatized groups. Integration of related knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activity.

Sanita Osipova
(sanita.osipova@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

History of family law in the territory of Latvia in the 20th century

Supervision of the development of scientific works and management of a group of scientists on the history of family law in the territory of Latvia in the 20th century, paying special attention to the full rights of women in the family, the rights and obligations of spouses, as well as the relationship between parents and children. Integration of related knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activities.

Sanita Osipova
(sanita.osipova@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal methods

In-depth research regarding the process of application of the legal norms characteristic to the Western legal system in connection with all the legal methods that can be used to reach a fair and reasonable decision in each specific case. Within the framework of research, possible legal methods include, for example, the construction of the factual composition, the principle of diversity of sources of law, higher and lower critique, intertemporality, interpretation, further development of law, collisions, argumentation, subsumption.

Daiga Rezevska
(daiga.rezevska@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

General principles of law

Studies regarding the importance of general principles of law as sources of law and the problems of their application within the framework of the legal arrangement of a democratic state based on the Rule of Law. Research related to proving the general principles of law as a generally binding legal norm. Analysis of the process of application of general principles of law, including concretization as a method of finding the content of principles, collisions of principles and methodology for their resolution, the importance of general principles of law in the work of the legislator - research of the principle of good legislation.

Daiga Rezevska
(daiga.rezevska@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Theory of law

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of scientific works and management of scientific groups in the theory of law, in-depth regarding sources of law. Integration of knowledge and skills of legal theory in the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods both for the needs of scientific research and professional activity. Development of recommendations for the needs of improving legislation.

Diāna Apse
(diana.apse@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal methods

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of scientific works in the implementation of legal methods teaching projects, in-depth aspects of: auxiliary sources of law, auxiliary means of applying legal norms. Integration of knowledge and skills of teaching methods in the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activity. Development of recommendations for the needs of improving legislation.

Diāna Apse
(diana.apse@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Basic concepts of Latvian legal system

Courses, presentations, supervision of the development of scientific works in the implementation of research projects on the basic concepts of the Latvian legal system, in depth: in the areas of sources of law and legal methodology. Integration of related knowledge and skills in the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of scientific research and professional activity, also for representatives of other branches. Development of recommendations for the needs of improving legislation.

Diāna Apse
(diana.apse@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Introduction to law

Courses, in-depth understanding of the basic concepts of the legal system for students of non-legal specialties and in the understanding of legal regulation in sectoral rights. Presentations, supervision of scientific work in the implementation of research projects of the basic concepts of the Latvian legal system. Integration of related knowledge and skills in the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of scientific research and professional activity, also for representatives of other branches. Development of recommendations for the needs of improving legislation.

Diāna Apse
(diana.apse@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal theory and legal methods

Analysis of development of the legal theory and theory of legal methods in the Latvian legal system. Studies cover history of legal theory in Latvian legal system, application of different legal methods in the courts jurisprudence and also development of the system of legal sources.

Jānis Pleps
(janis.pleps@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Constitutional interpretation

Researches on the interpretation of the Constitution of Latvia, relevant methods of constitutional interpretation and dialogue between constitutional institutions concerning constitutional interpretation. Also this issues are researched from the perspective of comparative law, analyzing tendencies of actual development in the Western legal tradition.

Jānis Pleps
(janis.pleps@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Genesis of constitutionalism

Studies on the development of constitutionalism in Latvia and the Baltic States. Particular attention is paid to the doctrine of state continuity, national resistance movement against the USSR and Nazi Germany and restoration of independence.

Jānis Pleps
(janis.pleps@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal theory

Analyses of general and specific concepts of legal theory and their development within the legal system of Latvia. Studies regarding understanding the concept of legal sources of the law and transformation of system of legal sources of the law, searching for trends of development and analysing problematic aspects of case-law and judge-made-law in particular.    

Ginta Krūkle
(ginta.krukle@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal method

Analyses of available legal methods in rule of law democratic state as well as practical aspects of their implementation in close relationship with the dominant theses of Theory of Law. 

Ginta Krūkle
(ginta.krukle@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal technics

Research on the development of legal techniques and aspects of drafting normative legal acts, especially with the point of finding eventual improvements according to principle of good legislature and coordination of its application between the constitutional court and parliament.   

Ginta Krūkle
(ginta.krukle@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Legal argumentation

Research in the field of theory and practical application of requirements of legal argumentation as well as theory and logic behind legal argumentation.

Ginta Krūkle
(ginta.krukle@lu.lv; +371 67034727; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Police Law

Police and human rights

Research on police cooperation, law, respect for human rights in police work.

Ērika Krutova
(erika.krutova@lu.lv; +371 29126630; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Other Subgroups of Law (data protection)

Data protection law 

In-depth studies on data protection law, in particular the GDPR, and the regulation of digital technologies and innovation, artificial intelligence systems, digital services and online platforms.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Data protection and other legal challenges in the digital age

Studies and research team management in the implementation of international and national research projects related to data protection and other legal challenges in the digital age. Research on data protection requirements and other legal issues related to the development and use of AI systems and other new technologies, digital services and online platforms, digital transformation in both public and private sectors.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Other Subgroups of Law (information technologies)

Information Technology Law

Research on information and communication technology law.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Artificial Intelligence Law

Research on the regulatory framework of artificial intelligence, its development at international, EU and national level, impact on different areas of law, e.g. human rights, consumer law, and data protection law.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Regulation, legal and ethical issues of artificial intelligence, other new technologies and online platforms

Studies and research team management in the implementation of international and national research projects related to the regulation, legal and ethical challenges of artificial intelligence, other new technologies, online world, digital services and online platforms. 

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Human rights, the rule of law, democracy and legal responses to disinformation in the digital age

Studies and research team management in the implementation of international and national research projects related to the impact of artificial intelligence systems, other new technologies and online platforms to fundamental rights, the rule of law and democracy, including the legal responses to disinformation and hate speech and other legal and ethical challenges.

Irēna Barkāne
(Irena.Barkane@lu.lv; +371 29656586; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Other Subgroups of Law (Environment)

Maritime spatial planning

Studies related to environmental law.

Leila Neimane
(leila.neimane@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Environmental impact assessment, incl. strategic environmental assessment

Studies related to environmental law.

Leila Neimane
(leila.neimane@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Environmental democracy and justice

Studies related to environmental law.

Leila Neimane
(leila.neimane@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Sustainable regional development

Studies related to environmental law.

Leila Neimane
(leila.neimane@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)

Sustainable green and blue development

Studies related to environmental law.

Leila Neimane
(leila.neimane@lu.lv; +371 67034732; https://www.jf.lu.lv/)